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ITAD Liquidity Scale: Capturing Value for Your Used and Excess Assets

Value Optimization

Selling used data center equipment on the global market is part art and part science. You not only need to know when your company has gotten the most from its IT assets but you also need to know when those assets have the greatest value on the global market. Finally, you need to balance these two sometimes contradictory pieces of information. As ITAD professionals, we’ve had years of experience tracking data center equipment and matching it to the right market to recover the maximum value for our clients. This requires that we sell these assets when they reach their peak liquidity in a specific market.  rnHere are the 3 steps we take to capture peak liquidity:

1. Identify the vale of the assets.

With improvements in technology, it is easier than ever to determine market valuation for used IT assets. We use a mix of live, up-to-the-minute market information and data extrapolated from a proprietary software program that calculates global market demand.

2. Capture the value through smart recovery.

One element of smart recovery is knowing when to sell used IT assets as a whole and when to break it up into its component parts. Servers typically lose their resale value within five years, but their components maintain their value for much longer. Smart recovery often dictates that the components be treated as individual parts that can be upgraded or replaced at different times, allowing you to take advantage of the peak liquidity of each part.

3. Remarket on a global scale.

To recover the highest value for used IT assets, you must look towards the global marketplace and determine where demand for those assets is growing. These markets are constantly shifting. Today, the best price for processors may be in Brazil. Tomorrow it might be in India.

The steps outlined above are the foundation of what we call the Liquidity Scale, which connects the right product to the right market at the right time to recover the greatest value from your depreciating data center equipment. It combines both the art and science of ITAD and offers unique insights into where your assets fit into the global market.


This blog/news announcement was written and edited by the illumynt team of technology lifecycle professionals.

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